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Writer's pictureMarcus Rodriguez

It's The End Of The World!

Issue no.13

Sometimes we all hit a brick wall and it can feel like the end of the world. Whether it's a health issue, a divorce or break-up, the loss of an important client or job, etc. While sometimes these brick walls appear marginal or even relatively trivial to others, it doesn't really matter what others think or feel, what matters is how YOU feel. Here are some thoughts on how to deal with those 'end of the world' moments:

1. Pause. Take a deep breath. Time will not only provide better clarity, but it will also help you formulate solutions. Every time I’m facing a challenge my brother Michael is constantly reminding me to “sleep on it”

2. Establish the REAL extent of the issue - not just the feelings associated with it – once you do you will be in a better position to establish a path forward.

3. Seek help. Sometimes you may not feel like unloading on your friends or colleagues. That is why there are professionals dedicated to this exact type of work. Their experience in helping guide you may be invaluable. Opinions are fine, but real professional understanding and experience can't be matched.

4. Understand that most “end of the world” issues are not the end of the world at all. Most times they just feel that way.

5. It's not only OK to feel pain and mourn and feel self-pity, it is HUMAN. We are all human and should allow ourselves at times to be sad. But whatever you do, don’t give up and forget to still live your life.

6. Take some time off. Sometimes a day can cure all and sometimes a 2-week vacation is what it takes. Personally, I took 3 months off at the end of last year. Elevating yourself from your life and “removing” yourself from it can allow you to see things more clearly. More importantly, it will remind you how enormous the world is and how small we are and how small our problems are.

7. Seek comfort from friends and family. Not those who you may have to put up a facade for. Real people who are genuine and genuinely care about you. If you don't have any of those in your life, take note and make future plans to create more meaningful relationships.

8. Affairs of the heart are not easy or simple to fix: they require more time and often defy logic or rational thinking. Try to laugh about this.

9. Life goes on. However bad your situation may be, know that this world keeps moving. It always has and always will.

10. Choose optimism. It's so much easier to view all with a pessimistic, hopeless eye. That is easy, but certain to disappoint and worsen the situation. Challenge yourself to seek silver linings. Inventory all that is great in your life. Learn and grow from your bumps. You will never truly know the feeling of great joy without experiencing great pain.

11. Write. This is my personal favorite. I have notebooks dating back to middle school. One of my joys in life is going back and reading those old words that I wrote and seeing how far I’ve come. I’ve been known to give out notebooks to some of my closest friends when life is really testing them. I couldn’t tell you if they’ve ever wrote a single word in those notebooks. But sometimes just letting them know that someone is thinking of them is what really matters.

Now that I'm a little older and have been able to experience life a bit more I am certain of one thing. Every time I experience feeling the end of the world is upon me, a new, much more exciting and meaningful world begins. A world with deeper understanding, greater strength, more appreciation, and opportunities I never thought possible.

“A blessing may look free, but the truth is, it cost you something” – Joel Osteen

- Your Agent, Marcus


CalDRE# 02005100

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